Sunday, December 12, 2010

A reminder - re: maple syrup & the local economy -

that while we are bogged down in a very important disagreement about taxes and spending, climate change is gathering steam:
Rock said the acceleration of global warming, which began in the early 1900s, became "more aggressive" from the 1970s on.
He said all the warmest years on record have occurred within the last 12.
He added that, going into the second decade of the 2000s, people are seeing weather changes that had previously been predicted to occur much later on in the century.
"The maple is on the edge," Rock said.
On top of all the usual reasons that the Republicans are pushing their destructive agenda, they are also distracting us from the greatest threat of all,  climate change.  It is really, really important not to lose track of that, and to remember that there will be enormous economic impacts from this, that may make our current problems pale in comparison.
How much of the NH and New England economy is tourist-based?  Dependent on snow and foliage?

1 comment:

  1. Lucy,

    Don't know if you are aware--but the ski industry recognizes the threat of Global Warming. I'll find some links, but there has been a very organized effort to track the effects of warming and to try to respond to it.

    This is two pronged in a way that few industries are. On one level you have the people ( like me) who love to ski and be outdoors in the mountains in winter. ( Your rank in file environmentalists).

    But there is also interest at the corporate level because the ski industry isn't in denial about warming trends---the industry will cease to exist if it continues.
