Sunday, November 7, 2010

OK, they have the keys again

OK, we have handed them back the keys. Are we having second thoughts? So how do we get the keys away from the drunk again? Elections, you say? I thought that was what we just had, did you forget to vote?

 Now that the Republicans have taken back America and Obama is no longer relevant, a funny thing is happening. The chattering classes have started to notice that this country is in bad shape, is not getting better, and the people they've been gushing about might not have a real answer. They are belatedly waking up to the fact that the Tea Party agenda.....has no substance. There's no way to make it work - because it's full of contradictions where it isn't totally incoherent.  Sure, they all proclaimed Obama screwed up - but just stopping him won't make the problems go away.

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